Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Website

Spring is nearly here! And with the start of spring many people start thinking about spring cleaning and what they can do to trim down and clean out their home and place of business. We recommend including your website on your spring cleaning list this year! It’s a great opportunity to look through everything on your site to make sure it’s top-notch and performing well for you so you can continue on with a strong site for the rest of the year.
We have some great spring cleaning tips for you, read on to find out more!
Clean up your text
Once text is added to your site, it’s often not touched again. Take this opportunity to read through everything on your site. Make sure it fits well and is still accurate. Replace broken links and remove anything that isn’t needed. Clean up, refresh, and revise!
Refresh your pictures
The same pictures you chose when you set up your site can feel a bit stale a year later, so replace any old or outdated pictures with new ones. Add new projects that you’ve worked on, include new employees in your list, etc.
Organize your navigation
Navigations tend to become cluttered and messy over time because people add a new page here and a new area there and they are all just added to the navigation. Revisit the structure of your site and make sure the navigation is still clean, organized and user-friendly.
Evaluate your pages
Sometimes pages can be added for a specific purpose, but when you look back later on, you’ll realize the information could have been added to another page, saving your users a click while navigating through your site. Make sure each page is needed and is in the proper placement for your users to find it.
Replace your site
If you’re at the point where your site needs a lot of help and refreshing, consider replacing it altogether and designing a new one. Start the spring season powerfully with a fresh new site that embodies your company and brand well.
As you can see there are many things you can do with your site, so don’t forget about it when you think about spring cleaning this year! It’s really a great time to evaluate and revise things as needed to make sure your website stays strong and powerful for your company.
What are your spring cleaning plans for your site this year?
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