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AI in Business: Strategies for Implementation and Growth

business | July 8, 2024 | 0 Comments

Woman stands in front of a wall of blue, red, purple, and white binary code, with the same binary code projected onto her face.

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing industries by streamlining operations, enhancing customer experiences, and driving innovation. Here are several effective strategies to consider if you’re looking to integrate AI into your business. 1. Automate Routine Tasks AI can handle repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic activities. Consider implementing AI-powered tools for: 2. Enhance Customer Experience Personalized experiences are key to customer satisfaction. Many businesses choose to use AI to: 3. Optimize…

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On-the-Go Growth: Why Mobile Accessibility Is Key for Small Businesses

business | web design | June 17, 2024 | 0 Comments

Woman wearing glasses with lots of shopping bags draped on her arms looks at her mobile device and smiles.

In the ever-evolving landscape of online presence, adaptability is key for small businesses aiming to thrive. Gone are the days when desktop computers and laptops ruled the digital realm; now, smartphones and tablets reign supreme. Mobile Momentum No matter where you look, statistics paint a clear picture: mobile usage has skyrocketed. Whether it’s browsing social media, shopping online, or searching for local businesses, consumers are increasingly turning to their mobile devices. According…

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New Website Launch: Lester Financial Group

business | design | new project | new website launch | Snoack Studios news | web design | WordPress | August 16, 2023 | 0 Comments

Lester Financial Group

Earlier this year, we launched this clean and professional new website for Lester Financial Group. The company is based out of Champaign, Illinois and has been in business for over 25 years. They needed a new website and wanted something that was easy to navigate and conveyed a sense of who the company was, professional and dependable but approachable and easy to work with. We worked on designing a website that fit…

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New Website Launch: Snow Architecture

business | design | new project | new website launch | Snoack Studios news | testimonial | web design | WordPress | April 27, 2023 | 0 Comments

We recently launched this professional and sleek new website for Snow Architecture, a new design firm in San Francisco, California that provides architectural services from initial concept through completion. We wanted the website to be minimalist in style so the information was easy to find and the project photos could speak for themselves. The website features lots of wide open space, modern font choices, a minimal color palette, and a clean aesthetic…

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Creative & Easy Marketing Ideas You Can Do Right Now

blogging | business | marketing | March 31, 2021 | 0 Comments

Marketing your company doesn’t have to be hard, time consuming, or expensive. There are lots of creative ways to gain exposure for your business that won’t break the bank, and many of them you can even do yourself if you’re on a budget. Check out our ideas for marketing your company below, and let us know your ideas in the comments too! Get active on social media The more you interact with…

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Tips For Small Businesses On Making It Through The COVID-19 Storm

business | marketing | April 1, 2020 | 0 Comments

These are unprecedented times with so many unknowns and it’s a scary time for many, including small businesses. As a fellow small business, we can empathize, it’s a tough time for us all. We’ve all had many adjustments in the last few months as the pandemic has taken over and forced us to change how we do business. Many have had to send employees home to work virtually or to close their…

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Great Holiday Gift Ideas For Tech-Lovers This Year

business | fun | trends | November 27, 2019 | 0 Comments

We love seeing all the new tech gifts that come out around the holidays, so many fun new gadgets and toys. And there are always great deals on tech this time of year as well, so if you’ve had your eye on a new hard drive or wireless earbuds, now’s a great time to pick those up! We combed through some lists and deals and compiled our own list of tech ideas…

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Ideas On Marketing Your Small Business

business | marketing | networking | web design | WordPress | April 1, 2019 | 0 Comments

Getting your name out there can be tough, whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been in business for years. But keep in mind, marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s a continuous process, something that takes time and diligence to build up so that your business can become prosperous and successful for the long haul. Our ideas today focus on meeting people and networking, because people like buying from people…

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Marketing Your Website After You Launch

business | marketing | resources | seo | June 19, 2018 | 0 Comments

Marketing Your New Website

You’ve worked hard on planning, designing, developing and finally launching your brand new website, congratulations! The hard work is over, right? Well, now you need people to visit it, but how do you get users to come? You need to get the word out there to people that need your product, service or message. Marketing a new site and finding the right people that will be interested in what you’re doing can…

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10 Facts You Might Not Know About WordPress

business | resources | web design | WordPress | July 18, 2017 | 0 Comments

We talk a lot about WordPress, because we think it’s an exceptional content management system for many different reasons. But there are tons of pretty cool facts about WordPress that you might not know, including how long it’s been around! Check out our list of WordPress facts and let us know the most interesting thing you learned in the comments below or if you have another fun fact to add! As of…

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