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Wednesday Call Solutions

business | education | December 23, 2010 | 2 Comments

WedCall-logoWednesday Call Solutions is a new group for business owners and professionals that will meet regularly through scheduled webinars. Each webinar will cover a different topic with a diverse range of possibilities already in the works: social media, blogging, productivity, Microsoft Office, basic website skills, etc.

The webinars are intended to ignite conversation and help us all grow through education and trading resources. Check out our Facebook Page to see what we have scheduled so far for the beginning of 2011.

About the Group

The group was started by Pamela Bir, owner of Your Computer Lady, and I in order to help business owners and working professionals through supporting one another. The webinars aren’t intended to be a presentation about a specific topic, but more of a round-table discussion board. We’ll feature a new topic each week that will cover different business-related issues. Social media is a hot topic right now so you’ll see many social media topics frequent our list. Microsoft Office, with all of its programs, is a large topic that will appeal to many professionals, so that’s another topic that you’ll see frequently.

Scheduled Events in 2011

Jan 19, 9:00 am CST – Linked In Company Pages webinar
Jan 26, 9:00 am CST – Excel Formulas
Feb 9, 9:00 am CST – Linked In – Build a Strong Profile
Feb 16, 9:00 am CST – Excel Charts

Stay informed of future events by liking our Facebook Page, where you can RSVP to attend events that interest you as well. In the future, we’ll have a LinkedIn Group that you can join to stay informed or RSVP through as well.

More Information

We’ll run our webinar through GoToMeeting, so the call must be limited to 15 callers. This limit also works well to keep the group small and focused so everyone can participate and feel welcome. Each webinar will be 1 hour long and full of lots of information so come prepared to listen as well as add your expertise.

Guest Speakers

Each webinar will be run by a specific person, usually Pamela or I. However, we’ll be featuring different guest speakers that are interested in starting the conversation on a certain topic, and have information that they feel would be valuable to share with the professional community. We’ll feature these guest speakers on our Facebook Page, and on Twitter with our hashtag #WedCall. Please let me know if you’re interested in being a guest speaker for the group.

We’d love to have you join us at our first events in 2011, we’re looking forward to a great group and lots of great educational opportunities and resources. Please let me know in the comments below what you think of the group, or if you have different topic ideas that you’d like to see.


  1. TeeninfelaY
    January 19, 2011 @ 2:47 pm

    I love! Here I always find a lot of helpful information for myself. Thanks you for your work.
    Webmaster of and
    Best regards

  2. Shannon
    January 26, 2011 @ 7:53 am

    Thank you! Glad you enjoy the blog, and I hope you’ll check out Wednesday Call Solutions, it’s a great webinar for business owners and professionals.

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