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Web Design Ledger Post: Growing as a Designer and Leader

design | inspiration | networking | web design | March 18, 2011 | 2 Comments

plants A new post I wrote for WDL came out today:
As a professional designer, it’s important to push ourselves daily to be the best that we can in order to create outstanding work. To be successful in our industry, we must continually grow and try new things that will enhance our design skills, and just as important, our leadership abilities. There are tons of ideas on the internet on how to become a better designer through Photoshop tutorials, HTML best practices, and new jQuery techniques. There aren’t as many about becoming a better leader in the design community, although it’s an important trait to have as a professional and a necessary skill to possess in our competitive industry.

See the full post at


  1. Loukman Nacik
    April 15, 2011 @ 4:57 pm

    Really a i like this post, it’s helpful
    Keep Bloging

  2. Shannon
    April 15, 2011 @ 5:05 pm

    Thanks Loukman Nacik! Glad you enjoyed it.

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