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New launch: Stay On Search blog theme and logo

new website launch | testimonial | April 15, 2010 | 0 Comments

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Snoack Studios just launched a new blog theme for Stay On Search, a great blog run by Mark Thompson (follow him on twitter @m_thompson) that posts about SEO, marketing, social media and other website and online knowledge. The overhaul started with a new logo that needed to be clean and professional, targeting Mark’s business and design-oriented audience.


The typeface chosen is Mank Sans, a clean and modern choice. The small triangle above the “a” represents the arrow on a compass, symbolically showing that Mark guides users on their quest to SEO and online greatness.

After the logo was completed, we moved on to the blog redesign. Mark wanted the blog to be user-friendly and engaging for his audience. We incorporated more social media tools, allowing users to easily share and tweet the posts. The design uses a bold color palette and large blocks of color to make the design really fun and powerful. Overall Mark was very pleased with the outcome, this is what he had to say:

Shannon was extremely helpful and offered excellent design-related suggestions during the re-design process of my blog. She was able to create a more engaging user experience for my readership, while taking into consideration my primary goals. Since the launch I have received a number of compliments on the design. Shannon was a pleasure to work with and I plan on continuing our relationship for updates and upcoming projects.

Thanks Mark, I had a lot of fun working on it as well! Check out the site at and let me know what you think of the new designs in the comments below.


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