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Create A Change Now Website Makeover

design | new project | new website launch | testimonial | web design | May 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

We recently gave the website for Create A Change Now a great makeover and wanted to share the colorful new look. Their mission statement says: “Create a Change Now is a Las Vegas non-profit 501c3 organization that is fighting childhood obesity and changing the way families eat by educating and empowering children to make healthier food choices that are nutritious and delicious.” They do some great work in the Las Vegas, Nevada area and we wanted to help make their website match their professional and energetic efforts.

After a few updates, their website is now a colorful, dynamic and personality-filled presence that this group can be proud of! Check out the newly launched site at:

Before the makeover


After the makeover


The Details

As you can see from the before and after images, the feeling the site gives now is incredibly different. The site was lacking the warmth and excitement of this group and needed some love to give it the unique look they now have.

The content and layout stayed relatively the same, we simply changed the styles to give it a whole new look. Brighter colors that complement their friendly and energetic logo bring life and excitement to the design. A handwritten font gives a child-friendly feel, without feeling too childish. We also made their logo bigger, changed some spacing and added other small details that complete the look.

We added a blog to the website, cleaned up some text and the sidebars throughout the site, and organized their homepage to pull the most recent video on the bottom left, and the most recent blog post on the bottom right.


Candace Maddin, Co-Founder and President of Create A Change Now, had this to say about working with us:

We had a website designed two years ago with no clean up, tweaking or management of it. Stale is a better word. When we met Shannon and tasked her with updating our site to look sharper, adding links, photos, organizing topics, blogs, etc. It took on its own life! All of a sudden it came alive and the feel of our nonprofit mission came through on every page with the new layout, font, color, etc. Shannon has been a delight to deal with and I would highly recommend Snoack Studios for any graphic design or web design. It is a pleasure to work with someone that has the work ethic and responsiveness she has shown us. Our heartfelt thanks, Shannon!

We really enjoyed working on this fun project and continue to work with CACN on many of their online and marketing endeavors. As you can see, a makeover doesn’t have to mean starting your site over from scratch, especially if it already has great bones. Small changes can really make a large impact! Check out the Create A Change Now website to find out more about this great organization, they would really love your support and help in continuing their mission. We would also love to hear your thoughts on the transformation in the comments area below!


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