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New Website Launches: Foundation Fitness & Patrick Hitches

design | new project | new website launch | testimonial | web design | May 28, 2013 | 1 Comment

We just launched 2 great new sites for Foundation Fitness and Patrick Hitches, and we LOVE how these powerhouse sites came out! Foundation Fitness provides people with the tools and resources to lose weight, feel better about themselves, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Patrick Hitches is a personal trainer with tons of great ideas and tips that have inspired people and helped them get where they want to be. He offers a bunch of different programs for different types of training and assistance. Check it all out at and


Foundation Fitness – The Design

The design had to be powerful to say the least. Patrick is full of energy and wants to inspire his clients to do their best and get excited about being healthy, which is something the website needed to communicate in a big way. So we packed the design full of bold colors, large typography, powerful images, and great textures to pull off this awesome look. We used the Foundation Fitness main color of bright red, which is full of so much energy, and completed the color palette with black and grey tones. There are a ton of different textures featured throughout to give a bit of a grunge feeling and mix it up with lots of unique touches. Circles are prominent throughout the design, which echo the circle from the Foundation Fitness symbol. We also added a few unique fonts that give the site a fun and custom look, including the handwritten font which is Google Font’s Shadows Into Light and the san serif font used throughout is Freight Sans.

One of the big objectives of the site was to create long pages that were packed full of information. So we had to make sure they stayed organized and were easy to navigate. The main navigation stays fixed and directs users to different sections on the homepage. Call to action buttons in each section direct users to separate pages with more information on that particular program or service. On the homepage, we separated these sections by using different colors, textures and layouts for each.

The Development

The sites are both using WordPress, our content management system of choice. Pretty much every bit of text on the site is editable for Patrick, making it easy for him to maintain and keep up to date. This took some custom work to keep things organized in WordPress, which would allow him to edit things easily, and also keep things as they should on the site. So each page and section is separated and organized for him.

Patrick Hitches – The Blog


The blog houses all of Patrick’s articles on weight loss, getting motivated, and other helpful tips on food and nutrition as well. We wanted the look to be very similar to the Foundation Fitness site so they worked hand in hand with one another. So they both feature the same header, aside from the different logos and links, as well as the same fonts and color scheme. The blog does have a lot of nice touches including a circle date stamp, great sidebar promos, and a call out at the bottom of each post that allows people to easily sign up and download the Abs Eating Guide.


Patrick Hitches, owner of Foundation Fitness, had this to say about working with us:

Shannon with Snoack Studios brings an arsenal of skills to the table of web design. Her implementation and execution of the vision is impeccable. I can’t recommend her enough as within days of launching my site, visits are converting to prospects and prospects to customers almost immediately. Clean, crisp design with thoughtful delivery. Do yourself a favor and bring her on your team as you grow your business to the status of AWESOME!

We LOVE how these sites came out, and really enjoyed working on the project! We also couldn’t be more pleased that Patrick is already seeing great results and hearing good feedback on his work. That is the absolute best reward after a project is completed! To top it all off, Patrick is having a HUGE giveaway on his blog right now, with lots of great prizes including an iPad Mini. Check out this post to find out more about it. We also want to hear your feedback on the sites, tell us what you think in the comments below!

1 Comment »

  1. The Best Of Snoack Studios Blog From 2013 | Snoack Studios Blog
    December 27, 2013 @ 6:00 am

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