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Why Choose WordPress

web design | WordPress | April 13, 2016 | 2 Comments

WordPress is one of the largest content management systems (CMS) available today, powering millions of websites on the internet – everything from company websites to full e-commerce solutions. We love using it to build client websites for many reasons, and we love it so much it powers our own Snoack Studios site as well. It’s ease of use for us and our clients is important, as well as how it’s set up well for SEO, and the fact that the ever-growing community is so supportive and helpful. Check out our many reasons below on why we choose WordPress, and why you should too!

Easy to use

We want our clients to have an easy to use CMS so they can feel comfortable updating their own websites, and WordPress fits that bill better than any other CMS we’ve used. Most people pick it up well and can leave our training sessions feeling confident and empowered because they can edit and manage their own website content.

Safe & secure

Security is a concern for any website owner, and WordPress has many measures in place to create a safe environment. They are always patching vulnerabilities that are found and continuously extending the security already in place. Like anything else, it does need to be maintained and updated regularly to maintain this safe environment, and there are also ways to extend security measures to ensure that your site stays clean.

Set up well for SEO

WordPress is built with quality, clean, standards-compliant code that is easily read by search engines, giving you a framework that is set up well for SEO out of the box. You can further expand your SEO potential with a quality theme, and SEO plugins that give you more ways to customize and improve your rankings.

Easy to update

WordPress developers are constantly improving plugins & themes, patching holes & vulnerabilities, and fixing things. These come out in the form of updates and are easy to complete in the admin panel. With the push of a button anyone is capable of updating their own plugins, themes, and WordPress core (although we do always recommend a full backup before any updates are made!).

Very customizable

From a development standpoint, WordPress is very customizable, allowing us a way to create completely custom sites easily. We can design a website from scratch and not be boxed in by any templates or preset notions. The sky is the limit with what WordPress allows for your site, allowing you to run a blog, a site for your nonprofit, an e-commerce site, or anything in between.

Great community

The WordPress community is HUGE and is immensely helpful. The community is full of people writing helpful articles, posting in forums to help out, and offering a hand when questions arise. Any time we have had a question or needed help, we’ve always been able to find someone in the community that is willing and able to provide the support we need.

Great selection of plugins

Plugins allow you to add additional functionality to your site like a photo gallery, an event calendar, or an e-commerce shop. There are TONS of plugins out there for many, many different things that you could need for your site, and developers are always building new plugins and adding new functionality.

Easy to change it up

Changing the look of your website is fairly easy (depending on your site and set up) and can be done with a simple theme change. Your theme controls the look of your site and can add different functionality to it as well. The theme options are out there are also extensive, allowing you to have lots of choices if you did want to change it up!

WordPress has many different uses and has served many companies, groups, and individuals very well over the years. We’d love to hear why YOU choose WordPress and what your experience has been like – share with us in the comments below!


  1. John
    May 27, 2016 @ 12:25 pm

    When I started my blogging journey then my first question was, Why I should choose WordPress and not other CMS softwares.

    I searched a lot about it on Google at that time and I found that everybody is recommending to use WordPress and I started doing the same.

    Now today I know that why people should choose WordPress. Because WordPress is an independent and easy to use content management system.

    The best thing about it is, We can bring any feature in our website with just using a single plugin. That’s really good. 😀

    I am using WordPress since last 3 years and I loved it. 😀

  2. Shannon Noack
    May 30, 2016 @ 2:37 pm

    Thanks for your story John! Glad to hear you’ve been using WordPress for 3 years and are loving it, that’s great!

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