It’s All About Love
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we’ll talk about loving your brand and how you can get others to fall in love with your company through positive branding and spreading a passionate message. At Snoack Studios, we truly believe a successful company must sell a great product or service, something that consumers can fall in love with. But the owners and employees must be passionate and excited as well in order to give off that lovin’ feeling.
What can you do to promote love and happiness through your brand?
We’ve talked about branding before, but what is it? Your brand is the feeling others have about your company, it’s the essence of who you are and what you represent, without being an actual thing. Your brand is communicated through your marketing materials, your style, how you communicate with customers, and how your company is run. You can’t make people love your brand by telling them to, but you can influence their perception of your brand by:
- executing a style that represents your company in the light you want to be seen in
- communicating effectively with customers and in a timely manner
- always acting professionally and in line with what you want to represent
Now that you know what your brand is, lets talk about how to build a positive and love-filled one.
A wise person once told me that if you don’t love your company, how will others love it? The same thing goes for your products and services, as well as your marketing materials like your logo and website. You started a company with the belief that you had a great idea, something that people would love! Remember that passion and allow it to shine through with everything you create.
Love isn’t always about romantic love, it can represent friendship and platonic feelings as well. But it does represent a powerful emotion that involves people getting invested and feeling positive and happy about something. Don’t underestimate creating love in your company, it’s a powerful feeling that makes people feel involved. People that feel they are involved in your company through a good experience with you pass along the good word to their friends, creating a positive brand perception. This boosts your brand and will help build a stronger business.
Use your brand and marketing materials to showcase your passion about your industry. Each time you send out a postcard or have something designed for your business, think about how you can create a style that shows your passion and excitement, which in turn will make potential customers excited as well. Passion spreads quickly and that’s what you want as a business owner, to spread your message through positivity.
Show your passion through your actions and communications. Branding is as much about your style as it is about how you communicate and run your business. If you walk the walk, then you’re marketing will be that much more believable.
Show your passion and love for your company and it will be contagious, others will love it too. Valentine’s Day tip for you: Show the love to your online community today and they’ll respond with some love of their own! Happy Valentine’s Day!
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