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Creative & Easy Marketing Ideas You Can Do Right Now

blogging | business | marketing | March 31, 2021 | 0 Comments

Marketing your company doesn’t have to be hard, time consuming, or expensive. There are lots of creative ways to gain exposure for your business that won’t break the bank, and many of them you can even do yourself if you’re on a budget. Check out our ideas for marketing your company below, and let us know your ideas in the comments too! Get active on social media The more you interact with…

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Tips For Small Businesses On Making It Through The COVID-19 Storm

business | marketing | April 1, 2020 | 0 Comments

These are unprecedented times with so many unknowns and it’s a scary time for many, including small businesses. As a fellow small business, we can empathize, it’s a tough time for us all. We’ve all had many adjustments in the last few months as the pandemic has taken over and forced us to change how we do business. Many have had to send employees home to work virtually or to close their…

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Make The Most Of Your Business Cards

design | marketing | July 30, 2019 | 0 Comments

Business cards are a staple for any business. They’re often the one item left behind after a meeting, a first encounter or a conversation that can leave a lasting impression and remind your new potential customer who you are and why they want to work with you. You want that little piece of paper to be powerful, to inform, and to impress so they remember you. So how do you get the…

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Creative & Inspiring Business Cards

design | inspiration | marketing | June 11, 2019 | 0 Comments

Business cards are a staple for every business, and should make an impression when you hand them out. They’re small and don’t have room for a lot of information or design but they’re often the only thing someone will have to remember you by and it can certainly make an impact on it’s recipient and whether or not they call you. Make it fun, memorable, beautiful, poignant, or picturesque. Whatever you do,…

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Ideas On Marketing Your Small Business

business | marketing | networking | web design | WordPress | April 1, 2019 | 0 Comments

Getting your name out there can be tough, whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been in business for years. But keep in mind, marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s a continuous process, something that takes time and diligence to build up so that your business can become prosperous and successful for the long haul. Our ideas today focus on meeting people and networking, because people like buying from people…

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Pinterest Inspiration For Your Next Brochure

design | inspiration | marketing | social media | July 3, 2018 | 0 Comments

Pinterest is a great place to find inspiration for any type of project, from a large home renovation to an invitation design for a party. We’ve had clients send us Pinterest boards with ideas of things they like for color palettes, fonts, website layouts and everything in between. It’s also a great source of inspiration for brochures and printed marketing materials for businesses, and a great place to check out new ideas…

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Marketing Your Website After You Launch

business | marketing | resources | seo | June 19, 2018 | 0 Comments

Marketing Your New Website

You’ve worked hard on planning, designing, developing and finally launching your brand new website, congratulations! The hard work is over, right? Well, now you need people to visit it, but how do you get users to come? You need to get the word out there to people that need your product, service or message. Marketing a new site and finding the right people that will be interested in what you’re doing can…

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DIY Search Engine Optimization: Tips On Things You Can Do On Your Own

marketing | seo | web design | March 29, 2018 | 0 Comments

Do it yourself SEO tips

Search engine optimization is a buzz phrase that most people have heard, but many don’t know what it is or what it means for their website. SEO is the practice of making your website search-engine friendly so you can appear as high as possible in search rankings. Search engines use a complex algorithm to decide the order of their rankings, and they keep changing what’s included based on changing trends like increased…

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Business Stationary That Inspires

business | design | inspiration | marketing | November 30, 2016 | 0 Comments

Business stationary doesn’t have to be boring – it can be beautiful AND functional at the same time. It definitely needs to serve a purpose and allow you to write and send letters and documents and be legible, but it can also leave a lasting impression with its recipient as well. We’ve gathered together a collection of creative, bold, classic, and stunning stationary examples that stand out and make their business look exceptional….

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Beautiful Business Card Inspiration

business | design | inspiration | marketing | February 26, 2016 | 0 Comments

A business card is one of the most important marketing materials for a small business and should be something that stands out and makes a statement about who you are as a company. Thick, quality paper with an eye-catching design versus cheap paper and a plain design make a very different statement – which one should represent your company when you’re meeting new people and trying to make the best first impression? Check out these awesome…

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