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Web Design Ledger Post: How to Find Local Clients for Your Freelance Business

business | freelancing | April 7, 2010 | 0 Comments

My newest post on WDL came out today: Finding clients is one of the toughest things for most small businesses. Many people are looking for projects online these days with the widespread use of Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites that allow you to connect and chat about business opportunities. These are great ways to find new business across the country and even in different countries, however finding business locally is…

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Six Revisions Post: How to Start a Freelance Company

freelancing | December 11, 2009 | 0 Comments

I wrote another blog post for Six Revisions yesterday, How to Start a Freelance Company. Lots of people have gotten into the discussion and have some great feedback for new (and experienced) business owners on how to run a successful business, network, find new clients, etc. From the post: Starting your own company is wonderful, scary, and exciting! I’ve recently gone through the process and started up my own freelance company, Snoack Studios,…

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