New Brand, Website Design & Social Media Designs: SealYourRecords

We recently completed a new brand, website design, and social media designs for SealYourRecords, a service that helps individuals seal or expunge previous records, and is based out of Las Vegas, Nevada. We loved how it all came out, with a very professional and streamlined look that showcases what they do, helping clients lock up their past and move on. We started with the logo and branding elements, creating a style that would appeal to their target audience, and continued to build upon that later on with the website design, social media imagery, and other materials.
The Logo & Brand
We wanted the brand to be stylish and sleek, as well as functional and easy to understand, communicating a company that is diligent, helpful and professional. For the color palette we chose a bright orange and warm grey for the main colors of the logo, and incorporated a soft blue-grey and other shades of each of those colors in the other elements we designed. The main font in the logo has slight serifs and a unique look that will appeal to many different types of people. The sans serif tagline font is clean and straightforward and worked well as the primary font that we used throughout the website. Overall, the logo communicates the values that SealYourRecords stands for and allowed us to expand the brand with the other materials we worked on, creating a look that is clean and corporate, but approachable and reassuring for their clientele.
The Website Design
The main thing we focused on with the website was keeping it very user-friendly as the process of expunging your records can be daunting for those looking into it. SealYourRecords wanted to reassure their clients and help them get through it easily with a site that was easy to navigate and a user interface that calmed their fears. We expanded the color palette from the logo, using orange as the main accent color, although we didn’t want to overwhelm users so we used it sparingly. A calming blue was introduced to bring a sense of peace to the design, making users feel at ease. The design is mostly composed of vector art and small details that create a very clean and beautiful look. Small icons used throughout bring a nice element to the design including the people in the main image on the homepage, checkmarks and arrows throughout, file folder tabs, and many more.
We helped design the user interface throughout the site, keeping everything streamlined, legible and easy to navigate. We used clear action buttons, easy to understand icons and graphics, and a navigation system that directs users through the process step by step. This design can be seen when you’re going through the actual process of applying so SealYourRecords can help expunge or seal a charge on your record.
Social Media
Facebook, Twitter and Google+ imagery was designed to help the company achieve brand awareness across all platforms. We continued their branding throughout creating a cohesive and complete look for SealYourRecords so users would always recognize who they are dealing with and feel at ease with communicating with them.
Steven Knauss had this to say:
Working with Snoack Studios to build our ecommerce website was an outstanding experience. From the initial kickoff through post-launch support, Shannon was always available and responsive. She has a great eye, and her insight was invaluable. It’s hard to find someone with a perfect blend of creativity and business discipline, but Shannon wears both hats with ease. Without hesitation, I would recommend her to anyone wanting a top of the line website!
We loved working with SealYourRecords and are very excited with how everything came out! We encourage you to check out their website and social media profiles, and let us know what you think of the designs in the comments below!
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