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Google Authorship – Why You Need It & How To Set It Up With WordPress

blogging | education | resources | seo | tutorials | February 26, 2013 | 2 Comments

We recently learned about Google Authorship and how it can improve your search engine results with Google. We wanted to spread the word about this helpful SEO trick so it can help your business as well! Anything that can improve your search engine rankings is worth looking into, especially when it’s something you can do on your own. The process can seem a bit tricky, but we have some tips on getting it set up with your WordPress site that will hopefully make it easier to complete.

Read on and get started with Google Authorship today!

What is it

Google Authorship connects your Google+ profile with the content you create on the web, placing your photo next to the search result. When Google can connect the author, it considers this more quality content, and therefore places it higher in search results. Here’s what it looks like:


Why you need it

Everyone is trying to improve SEO for their website and with this trick in place, you boost your chances – easy win! With higher placement in a Google search, you’re more likely to be found and hired, simple as that.

How to get started

Now, let’s get you set up. Here are the steps:


If you don’t see your face in the test, give it a few days and test again. It might take a few days for Google to index everything properly and show the correct results. If you’re having trouble with it, Google has some great documentation to help, and Copy Blogger also has some helpful tips.

We’d love to hear about your experience with it, and if you’ve found that you’re getting better SEO results. What do you think?


  1. Guy
    March 22, 2013 @ 5:10 pm

    Super useful post … instructions worked evert step of the way!

  2. Shannon Noack
    March 22, 2013 @ 6:12 pm

    Glad it worked well for you, that’s great to hear! Glad you enjoyed the post too!

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