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Great Resources & Tools For Your WordPress Website

resources | web design | WordPress | June 30, 2021 | 0 Comments

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems out there, powering 41% of all websites on the web today! The community of people creating things for WordPress is just as widespread, with tons of plugins, themes and tutorials all over the web. But how do you find quality tools for your WordPress site without having to wade through it all? Today on the blog, we’ve gathered together a list of…

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Getting Started With Gutenberg: The New Editor For WordPress

education | resources | tutorials | web design | WordPress | January 23, 2019 | 0 Comments

WordPress launched a major update in December, replacing the Classic editor that we’ve used since the beginning with a new editor called Gutenberg. Gutenberg completely changes how we edit posts and pages in the WordPress admin panel, and uses a new system that’s based on something called blocks. Gutenberg is definitely different and will take some getting used to, but it allows for a lot more flexibility and customization straight out of…

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Marketing Your Website After You Launch

business | marketing | resources | seo | June 19, 2018 | 0 Comments

Marketing Your New Website

You’ve worked hard on planning, designing, developing and finally launching your brand new website, congratulations! The hard work is over, right? Well, now you need people to visit it, but how do you get users to come? You need to get the word out there to people that need your product, service or message. Marketing a new site and finding the right people that will be interested in what you’re doing can…

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New Managed WordPress Hosting

resources | Snoack Studios news | web design | WordPress | November 16, 2017 | 0 Comments

We have exciting news! Snoack Studios is launching a new server with Managed WordPress hosting plans that will come jam-packed with tons of features: excellent security to give you peace of mind, fast speeds to give your users what they want quickly, and backups and updates to keep your information safe and up-to-date. Quality hosting built for WordPress websites. Our plans include: Blazing fast speeds (delivering your website quickly and efficiently) Unlimited…

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Great Free Design Resources For Your Website

resources | web design | August 17, 2017 | 0 Comments

Great resources for your website can be hard to find, especially if you don’t have a large budget to work with. So we gathered together a collection of FREE resources that all have a lot of valuable and high quality items for you to use. These websites have free stock photos, fonts, vector files, Photoshop brushes, icons, templates and more! Check out our list and let us know if you have any…

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10 Facts You Might Not Know About WordPress

business | resources | web design | WordPress | July 18, 2017 | 0 Comments

We talk a lot about WordPress, because we think it’s an exceptional content management system for many different reasons. But there are tons of pretty cool facts about WordPress that you might not know, including how long it’s been around! Check out our list of WordPress facts and let us know the most interesting thing you learned in the comments below or if you have another fun fact to add! As of…

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18 Awesome (Free!) Headline Fonts You Can Use On Your Website

design | resources | web design | June 28, 2017 | 0 Comments

Typography brings such a big design element to any website, and just by changing the font you can change the whole look of the site. We love using Google Fonts for great free fonts that are easily embedded in websites. They have hundreds of fonts to choose from, everything from handwritten fonts to special stylized fonts, and cursive fonts to big blocky fonts. There are tons of unique choices that can fit…

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Brush Up On Your Font Vocabulary

design | resources | June 16, 2017 | 0 Comments

We are true typography nerds here at Snoack Studios and love all things type. We enjoy how different fonts have their own characteristics and how a design can be changed completely by changing the font, spacing, and color of the text. Even if the text isn’t the main element of a design, it still plays a large and integral part. Typography has it’s own set of vocabulary words that many aren’t familiar…

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WordPress Website Security Checklist

resources | web design | WordPress | April 14, 2017 | 0 Comments

We talk a lot about website security on our blog, because it’s so important for website owners to be knowledgable about it. More websites are getting hacked every day and are losing potential business from their websites because of downtime or are showing malicious content so users leave. The best way to fight a potential attack on your website is to be diligent about maintenance and to be proactive with preventative measures. We’ve compiled a WordPress…

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5 Tips To Speed Up Your WordPress Website

resources | web design | WordPress | July 1, 2016 | 0 Comments

Having a fast loading site is very important, not only for your users but also for SEO. Users expect sites to load quickly and can become frustrated when they take too long and may leave. You usually only have a few seconds to capture a user’s attention so you don’t want them to spend those precious moments waiting for a slow site to load. Speed is also a factor in search engine rankings, so…

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