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Branding Series: Great & Powerful Brands

business | design | marketing | April 14, 2011 | 1 Comment

branding2 We’re continuing on in our branding series, and today we’ll talk about great brands and how they got to where they are today. It’s important to analyze how other companies attained their great status, in order to assess how you can apply those ideas to your company, and become successful in your own pursuit.

We started our series on branding a few days ago, talking about what exactly branding is, and what makes up a brand. The next step is to learn about other great brands out there, so read on to see some brands and how they got there.

What makes a great brand

A great brand must follow a few specific guidelines. A great brand must:

  • stand the test of time
  • have a positive overall perception
  • know who it is and stay true to itself

A great brand has been around for a while and isn’t just a trendy company that becomes popular only to fizzle out later on. They evolve with the changing times and culture, but they stay true to their core values and who they were in the beginning. A great brand, most of all, represents a great company that offers great services or products.


We’ll start our list with the coffee company that many have come to love, Starbucks. The company started in 1972 and has become the largest coffee house chain in the world today. They grew quickly because of the company’s great brand and strong values that stand behind their product 100%. The logo and look of the company’s marketing materials has evolved only slightly over the years, becoming a bit more minimal in appearance. However, the experience you get when you enter a Starbucks, the friendly interaction you have with their baristas, and the quality of their products haven’t changed.

Starbucks set out in the beginning to be a quality provider of coffee that gave their audience a welcoming and inviting coffee house experience. They’ve continued to grow because of their commitment to their mission. The perception of their company is a great one overall, and they strive to evolve and be unique each step of the way. All of these factors helped to build a very strong brand.


Founded in 1964, and officially Nike in 1978, this sporting goods supplier has made it successfully through a few decades as well. Their founding principles, much like Starbucks, have been unwavering throughout the years. They wanted to provide quality sportswear and sporting equipment and have become a large icon in the sporting goods industry because of these ideals.

Nike has successfully used marketing and advertising to boost their image by running numerous very successful advertising campaigns on tv and in print. Their image has evolved a bit as well, and is now one of a sleek and powerful retailer that provides high quality products.


Last but not least, Pepsi is another popular brand that has been around long enough to stand the test of time. This brand has been around the longest on the list, and has changed the most in style as well. They’ve stayed true to their values and their products though, and their brand has remained a great one.

Pepsi has evolved throughout the years to include other soft drinks and products. They’ve seen a way to keep their great brand, but extend their reach with more options. They’ve also had some great advertising over the years and have used marketing to spread the word and popularize the brand.

These great brands show that while each company’s story is different, the mark of a great brand is the same. They must evolve and change in order to keep up with their audience and stay ahead of their competition. They also must provide a quality product that people will love. Taking a good look at what they’ve done right is a great way to get started on your own branding, and be on your way to a successful company. Stay tuned for the next article in our branding series.

1 Comment »

  1. Branding Series: How Does It Relate To You? | Snoack Studios Blog
    April 19, 2011 @ 9:05 am

    […] starting out with our discussion on what a brand is and then moving onto some examples of great & powerful brands that are out there today. This post concludes our branding series, and we’ll talk about how […]

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