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Grow Your List With List Eruption

marketing | resources | May 3, 2011 | 2 Comments

listeruption List Eruption launches today! It’s a great new tool for anyone that wants to grow their email list and needs an easy to implement plugin to do just that.

List Eruption is created by Mark Thompson of Search Creatively, an internet marketing company. Mark also runs StayOnSearch, a great internet marketing and social media blog that provides lots of helpful information and resources.

Check out more information about List Eruption here.

What Is it?

The plugin was designed to assist people in increasing their email subscribers through a tried and true method. The method for doing this is pretty simple, and has been used by others in the internet marketing industry. But the way List Eruption helps you implement it is quick and easy, making it a great idea for anyone that wants to get this up and going quickly.

First, you need to provide something of value to your users like a pdf download, and they need to opt-in to your list to get it. After they opt-in, they are taken to a thank you page where they receive more great stuff if they promote the content for you. So you can see how your list could grow pretty quickly from this! To make this happen, there are several pieces involved, and this plugin gets it all done for you.


  • E-mail Providers: List Eruption integrates with all of the major email marketing systems including Aweber, MailChimp, GetResponse, iContact and Constant Contact.
  • WordPress Integration: For any website or blog that is powered with WordPress, all you have to do is install the plugin, and you are ready to go.
  • Unique Referral URL:  Each subscriber receives their own unique referral URL to track their referrals.
  • Professional Designed Landing Pages: Customize your pre-designed landing page that has proven to convert.
  • Sidebar: Easily add an opt-in widget to your sidebar to maximize conversions.
  • Social Integration: Integrates with Twitter and Facebook.
  • Set Multiple Bonus Reward Levels:  Have the ability to create as many referral levels as you would like.  Give bigger bonuses and incentives for subscribers who refer more people!
  • Email Reminders: List Eruption integrates with PostMark for secure and reliable email deliverability.  This feature allows you to automatically send email reminders to your subscribers to encourage them to reach the reward levels you chose. You also get all of the advanced analytics and reporting that PostMark provides to help improve email conversions.

To see more information about List Eruption, see the sneak peek review on StayOnSearch and check out Let us know if you try the plugin, and what you think of it in the comments below!


  1. Pamela Bir
    May 3, 2011 @ 9:48 am

    Good suggestion, Shannon! People want to help their vendors and business partners grow. They usually just don’t know how or they distracted in day-to-day living and forget. ListEruption gives them an easy tool for sharing.

  2. Shannon
    May 3, 2011 @ 3:13 pm

    Thanks Pamela! It’s always fun to hear different ways of getting your name out there and building your contact list, I agree. This is a great strategy and it helps to make the process easier!

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