Ideas On Marketing Your Small Business

Getting your name out there can be tough, whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been in business for years. But keep in mind, marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s a continuous process, something that takes time and diligence to build up so that your business can become prosperous and successful for the long haul. Our ideas today focus on meeting people and networking, because people like buying from people they know, like and trust, so these are some of the greatest ways to spread the word and expand your small business.
Talk to people while you wait
There are opportunities to connect with people just about everywhere, especially while you’re waiting: in elevators, sitting on planes, waiting in line in coffee shops, at the doctor’s office, etc. You never know when you’ll meet someone that needs your services, or someone that might connect you with a friend of theirs that does.
Carry business cards everywhere
And with all of these conversations, you need business cards ready in case they want to keep in touch or connect you with someone they know. Bring them to the gym, carry some in your car, bring them in your pocket to your kid’s soccer practice, etc.
Join the Chamber of Commerce
Local networking opportunities exist in nearly every community, and starting with your local Chamber of Commerce is a great idea. They generally have groups within the Chamber that allow you to connect with other local professionals, as well as attend events like Business After Hours or ribbon cuttings for new businesses.
Join networking groups
There are often lots of other networking groups nearby, and if there aren’t, you can start your own! Even in small towns there are sure to be other business owners and professionals that are wanting to connect and network.
Ask for testimonials
Testimonials are great source of proof to new customers that you have a great product and satisfied clients. You can use them on your site, in social media, or in marketing materials. You can ask for them in your place of business, on Google, Facebook, Yelp, or LinkedIn. Testimonials can be very powerful but most people won’t give them unless they’re asked.
Ask for referrals
Great clients usually refer people that are similar to them, leading to more great clients, so you want to make sure to ask those great clients for referrals. Because just like with testimonials, people often don’t do this on their own but are happy to do it when they’re asked.
Join interest groups
Outside of work and business groups, there are often local interest groups to join that allow you to meet and get to know people on a more personal level, and those people could be potential customers or refer you to their friends. Think of book clubs, running clubs, etc. You can often find these groups on Facebook,, or even your local library.
Getting out there in your community and meeting people is one of the best ways to spread the word, either through professional or personal connections. People love connecting with other people and doing it in an authentic and real way is a great way to build a solid brand with people that are genuinely interested in what you’re selling and doing. Let us know your best tips for connecting and building your customer base in the comments below!
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