Wednesday Call Solutions is a webinar group, run by Pamela Bir and I, for business owners and professionals that are looking to learn more about social media, blogging, productivity, Microsoft Office, and more. The group holds two webinars per month on different topics that are relevant in today’s business world. The second Wednesday of the month covers a social media related topic and the fourth Wednesday of the month covers a more…
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Promoting your own company online is a great way to expand your audience, but you can only do so much on your own. Allowing and encouraging others to help you promote the company is a powerful way to expand your audience to include more people, reaching more potential customers. Setting yourself up for promotion is the key to making this happen. So the question is, how do you become more promotable, and encourage…
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As we mentioned a few posts ago, font options used to be quite limited. The default way to render fonts online is to use the font library of the computer you’re browsing with. This is actually still true today (although this post will introduce other methods). Since Apple and PC computers come with different font options installed, you had to stick with a list of about 10 or so fonts that were considered web-safe…
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It’s common knowledge that a logo is a necessity for any business today. But many small business owners don’t know the process, time, and thought that goes into the creation of that powerful tool, and the impact it can have for your company. Someone once equated displaying a poorly designed site for your company the same as wearing pajamas to an interview for a new job. You wouldn’t want to appear unprofessional…
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The newest social sharing idea has come from Google, the +1 button. It’s a new way of showing your appreciation of a webpage, and sharing it with your friends. Google has also implemented the +1’s into their page rank algorithm, further changing the SEO game, and adding an additional thing to consider in your online marketing efforts. This is a great new tool for businesses to integrate into their websites and blog…
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Typography options used to be very limited online, and there are still not as many options as we would all like, but it’s certainly come along way! There are some great options for creating a great typographic feel on your site, something that really fits in with your style, and it truly helps to improve the look of your site. Today, we wanted to showcase some sites that have made some great…
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