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Pinterest Inspiration For Your Next Brochure

design | inspiration | marketing | social media | July 3, 2018 | 0 Comments

Pinterest is a great place to find inspiration for any type of project, from a large home renovation to an invitation design for a party. We’ve had clients send us Pinterest boards with ideas of things they like for color palettes, fonts, website layouts and everything in between. It’s also a great source of inspiration for brochures and printed marketing materials for businesses, and a great place to check out new ideas…

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5 Tips To Get Your Blog Posts Shared More

blogging | social media | November 11, 2015 | 0 Comments

Creating a blog for your company or organization is a great way to get more traffic to your website, have more searchable content in your niche on Google, and overall has so many great benefits. But the posts need to be read to capture the power that they can have, and social media is a great place to publicize your blog posts and get them out to a larger audience. Sharing your own…

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The Use of Hashtags on Social Media for Businesses

business | resources | social media | July 30, 2015 | 0 Comments

Most social media users know what a hashtag is, but how do you best use them as a business? If used properly they can be a great social media marketing tool, connecting your message and your company to a wider audience. The first hashtag was used in August of 2007 and the whole idea of hashtags and what you can do with them has come a long way since then! What is a…

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Social Media Tips For Your Business

business | social media | July 6, 2015 | 0 Comments

Social media is an excellent way to market your company and extend your reach to new potential customers. It’s a great way to build a community that follows your business and supports you in your endeavors. As a business that’s also on social media, we have some tips that we’ve learned along the way that we think could help other businesses that are just getting started or aren’t sure how to go…

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The BIG Social Media Resource Roundup

business | education | resources | social media | February 3, 2014 | 0 Comments

It can be daunting for any business to get started on social media, but it’s certainly worth the effort and worth learning more about. Social media can be a great place to gain followers and spread the message about your company, but you do want to make sure you do it right to maximize your time, finding the best places and ways to engage with users. We’ve gathered together some great articles…

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Why brand your social media profiles?

design | social media | July 29, 2013 | 1 Comment

Social media provides a great place to market your business online, which can hopefully translate into paying customers for you. Each site also provides a way to enhance your profile with your company’s unique look and brand through cover photos or backgrounds depending on the site. Too many companies aren’t utilizing this space and are using photos or designs that don’t match their brand – which isn’t helping convey a professional look….

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Social Media Profile Image Areas – Sizes & Tips!

design | social media | May 9, 2013 | 1 Comment

Each social media site has different image areas that you can take advantage of with your profile, showing off your branding, creativity and unique look! It can be hard to keep track of what’s available in each place and what sizes are best for each different site. So we’ve gathered together information for a few of the top social media sites including placement and sizes (in pixels, correct as of today’s publishing,…

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Five Fresh & Fun Logos on Friday!

marketing | resources | social media | April 19, 2013 | 0 Comments

It’s Friday! And we’re featuring 5 new logos that we love on the blog today, so you can find some inspiration for your new logo project. When rebranding your company, it’s a great idea to check out other logos and think about what you like or don’t like, and what they do well, or you could do even better. has a great collection on their site that we like to check…

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Awesome New Twitter Header Images

design | inspiration | social media | September 27, 2012 | 0 Comments

Social media sites are continually changing and keeping us on our toes, changing around their layouts, image sizes, and requirements for profiles. These changes are often great news though, and Twitter’s new addition is no different. Twitter just recently added an additional image space for profiles – a header image that’s 520 pixels by 260 pixels. We’ve gathered together a collection of great images for this new space and we’ve also included…

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Social Media Content Ideas For Your Business

social media | September 21, 2012 | 1 Comment

Coming up with ideas on what to post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and your other social media profiles can be tough sometimes, especially for those that are new to using social media for their business. We’ve compiled a quick list of great content ideas that should help get you started. It’s best to remember though, social media is all about interacting and connecting, so the real question you should ask yourself is: What’s…

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