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A Showcase of Logos with Depth

inspiration | logos | trends | August 2, 2017 | 0 Comments

Logos come in a wide variety of designs, and although flat design has been popular the last few years, depth in logo design is trending as well. The depth in the design can come from shading, gradients, fading, darker colors to look like shadows, or other methods that are used. We gathered together a collection of great logo designs that use depth to achieve a great-looking and impactful logo. Check it out…

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2017 Web Design Trends

design | inspiration | trends | web design | January 11, 2017 | 0 Comments

Happy New Year! A new year brings a new set of trends in the ever-changing web design world. Each year we see trends rise and fall in popularity and are largely dictated by changing technology and how we use it. Mobile usage has been steadily on the rise, and the web has changed greatly because of it. We’ve seen responsive design grow because of the growing amount of mobile users as well as a…

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Vibrant Websites With Video Backgrounds

design | inspiration | trends | web design | March 28, 2016 | 0 Comments

Video backgrounds are an increasing trend that we’re seeing in more and more websites, giving the user a more vibrant and rich experience. People like to see motion and movement in websites, giving them something something to look at and more to experience on the site. Using a video as a background is a great opportunity to provide movement with meaningful content that the user can appreciate and enjoy. Some videos use…

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2016 Web Design Trends

design | inspiration | trends | web design | January 28, 2016 | 0 Comments

Each year we like to make some predictions on what the trends will be in web design for the coming year. Many of these trends have emerged in previous years, but will be much more prevalent this year. With increased mobile browsing comes the need to adapt websites to a user on the go that has a short attention span and a need for information quickly. Bold text, large photos, more icons,…

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Trending: Big, Bold, Amazing Headlines

design | inspiration | trends | web design | April 2, 2015 | 0 Comments

Large headlines have been trendy for some time now and it’s a style that isn’t showing any signs of slowing down! Large text grabs your attention, tells you it’s truly important, and makes a real impact. It also adds a graphic element to the site that’s clean, crisp, and modern (or depending on the font choice it can add any type of characteristic you’re looking for!). Choose a handwritten font for a more playful…

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Illustration Inspiration

design | inspiration | trends | web design | February 24, 2015 | 0 Comments

Illustration in website design is very trendy these days! It goes hand in hand with the flat design trend going on right now, utilizing vector and icon artwork to convey imagery, ideas, and give a nice illustrative quality to the design. We’ve gathered together a collection of websites that do a great job using illustration in their website design, either as a major component of the design, through the use of icons, backgrounds, or…

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2015 Web Design Trends

design | trends | web design | January 9, 2015 | 0 Comments

Each year we like to kick off the year with some of our predictions for the web design trends we’ll see in the following months. This year, we’ll continue to see mobile usage rise more and more, and because of that, responsive design will continue to grow in popularity as well. Large headline text and big bold photography will also continue to have a large presence on the web. Here are a few more…

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2014 Web Design Trends

design | trends | web design | January 9, 2014 | 0 Comments

The new year is here and we are sure to see all kinds of great things happen in the web design world this year! We’ve gathered together some predictions and thoughts on what’s sure to be trending as the year takes off. Last year we saw a huge jump in the number of responsive designs out there, as well as more great fonts being used, tons of growth by Google Chrome and…

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Flat Design Isn’t Bad, It’s Actually IN!

design | inspiration | trends | web design | December 5, 2013 | 2 Comments

Flat design is a style that’s really popular right now! You’ve probably seen it used in many websites, apps, and marketing materials as it creates a really beautiful look. The style uses flat colors as opposed to gradients and shadows, creating a user interface that’s clean and streamlined. Today, we’re showcasing some great-looking websites using this style, so you can see it in action for yourself. Check out their great icons, buttons,…

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Real, Selectable Text With Awesome Font Choices

design | inspiration | trends | web design | May 15, 2013 | 0 Comments

We love seeing great font choices on websites, since it really helps boost the look of your site, creating a unique and visually-rich look. And it’s getting more common with the use of @font-face and font services like Google Fonts and Typekit. We gathered together some great sites that are using real text (test them out, and select the text to see what we mean!), and have chosen some great fonts for their…

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