Snoack Studios

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New Website Launch: Positive Impact with Andrew Schultz

new project | new website launch | Snoack Studios news | web design | WordPress | May 26, 2022 | 0 Comments

We recently launched this clean and professional new website for Andrew Schultz, a transformational life coach based out of Cardiff, California. Andrew was looking to revamp his current site, creating something new that captured his personality, and displayed his services and events in an easy and organized manner. We put together a bright and energetic site that’s well organized and allows his current and potential clients to find what they’re looking for,…

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Mobile Website Design Inspiration

design | inspiration | trends | web design | May 17, 2022 | 0 Comments

Mobile web traffic continues to grow every day, with more and more people relying solely on their phones to browse the internet. “In 2021, the number of unique mobile internet users stood at 4.32 billion, indicating that over 90 percent of the global internet population use a mobile device to go online” according to Statista. So it’s imperative that your website functions well and delivers a top notch user experience on all…

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New Website Launch: FernWaters Charter School

new project | new website launch | Snoack Studios news | web design | WordPress | April 28, 2022 | 0 Comments

We launched a vibrant new website for FernWaters Charter School in Salmon, Idaho earlier this year, and we love how it turned out! The custom design includes kid-friendly fonts, a bright color scheme, large photos, and icons throughout that all add to the character and charm of this new site. The local charter school wanted a fun and friendly website that gave current and potential new parents of students at the school,…

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New Website Launch: Scheme Planning & Design

new project | new website launch | Snoack Studios news | web design | WordPress | March 2, 2022 | 0 Comments

Scheme Events

We recently launched this beautiful and classy new website for Scheme Planning & Design, a wedding planner in Las Vegas, Nevada. They had recently redone their branding and needed a new website to match their elegant new brand. They wanted lots of open white space, clean lines, classic fonts and colors, large beautiful photos and videos, and an easy-to-use site that showcased their beautiful work and their fun and professional style. We…

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Two New Websites: Cactus Collective Weddings & Electric Sugar Elopements

new project | new website launch | Snoack Studios news | testimonial | web design | WordPress | February 16, 2022 | 0 Comments

We launched a new website for Cactus Collective Weddings late last year and one for Electric Sugar Elopements early this year! Both websites are for a group of elopement and wedding coordinators based out of Las Vegas, Nevada, offering package services to help couples easily plan their whole wedding. The websites tailor to different audiences so they wanted a similar structure with the websites, but completely different styles and different information on…

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A Collection of Interesting, Creative & Inspiring Websites

design | inspiration | web design | July 30, 2021 | 0 Comments

There are so many different ways to design and develop a website and it’s fun to see what people come up with. Today, we’ve gathered together a great collection of websites that are inspirational and neat to see. I encourage you to click through to each one to see the full site! There are really great micro-animations, scrolling effects, cursor customizations, and other really interesting things. Some are clean and full of…

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Great Resources & Tools For Your WordPress Website

resources | web design | WordPress | June 30, 2021 | 0 Comments

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems out there, powering 41% of all websites on the web today! The community of people creating things for WordPress is just as widespread, with tons of plugins, themes and tutorials all over the web. But how do you find quality tools for your WordPress site without having to wade through it all? Today on the blog, we’ve gathered together a list of…

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New Website Launch: ValiData Outcome Services

new project | new website launch | Snoack Studios news | testimonial | web design | WordPress | June 1, 2021 | 0 Comments

We recently launched a sleek new WordPress website for ValiData Outcome Services. We created this website to help launch their new business, giving them a professional space for potential customers to check out. The website is very clean with an easy-to-navigate interface that helps users quickly find what they’re looking for. The site is geared towards their tech-savvy audience and includes lots of fun touches and accents to create a bright and…

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Web Design Trends in 2021

trends | web design | January 6, 2021 | 0 Comments

Happy New Year! A new year is always exciting, it allows for a fresh start and some fresh, new ideas to emerge. We’re looking forward to a bright and prosperous year and predict it will be an especially innovative year on the web. Everyone is ready to get to work and take the year by storm and we expect to see some pretty neat things happen this year. Certain trends will continue…

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New Website Launch: Genius School US

new project | new website launch | Snoack Studios news | testimonial | web design | WordPress | August 18, 2020 | 0 Comments

We recently launched this clean and sleek new website for Genius School US, a program that offers in-person and virtual camps that personalize the learning experience and ignite the inner genius in kids aged 10-18 years old and is based out of Las Vegas, Nevada. The website has a bright color palette, lots of photos of their camps throughout the site, and is well organized so information is accessible and easy to…

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