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Great Resources For Learning More About Marketing Your Small Business

business | education | marketing | resources | December 9, 2015 | 0 Comments

Marketing a company can be a daunting task when getting started. Maybe you have lots of competitors in your industry, or no experience in marketing in general. Getting your company’s name and services out there is tough, but there are tons of resources out there to help you get started or to help reinvigorate your existing marketing efforts. We’ve gathered together a collection of great tips, tools and guides that can help give you ideas…

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New Project: Grand Forks Region Economic Development Corporation Annual Meeting Pieces

design | marketing | new project | July 15, 2015 | 0 Comments

Earlier this year we completed a print project for the Grand Forks Region Economic Development Corporation’s annual meeting. First, we added some additional fonts, colors, and ideas to their brand standards to rejuvenate their style and give them a broader scope of ideas to choose from when creating new marketing pieces. Then, we applied those new ideas and designed their annual meeting marketing pieces, an invitation and a 20 page annual report. The…

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Five Fresh & Fun Logos on Friday!

marketing | resources | social media | April 19, 2013 | 0 Comments

It’s Friday! And we’re featuring 5 new logos that we love on the blog today, so you can find some inspiration for your new logo project. When rebranding your company, it’s a great idea to check out other logos and think about what you like or don’t like, and what they do well, or you could do even better. has a great collection on their site that we like to check…

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Super Bowl, Super Ads!

fun | marketing | February 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

The Super Bowl delivers another year of memorable and amazing commercials – it’s really one of our favorite parts of the whole event! This year was especially noteworthy because some the best commercials were really the heartfelt and emotional ones, which isn’t always the case. The Hulu audience voted on the best commercials of the 2013 Super Bowl, and we agree with many of their top choices. Here are our top picks,…

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Holiday Card Special!

business | fun | marketing | Snoack Studios news | October 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

It’s time to start thinking about holiday cards for your family and business! We’re running a special for the 2nd half of October that will help you get your cards completed before it’s even time for Thanksgiving. Read below for more details! We can help you create the perfect holiday card for your family or company. We’ll work with you to come up with an idea that will fit your style perfectly,…

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The Greatest Marketing Tool For Your Business

business | design | marketing | July 2, 2012 | 1 Comment

There are tons of marketing tools out there to use, and they really differ for the type of business you have. But if you market at all in person, the greatest marketing tool you could have is a powerful business card. Even if you have an online shop and don’t promote locally, you still meet people on a day-to-day basis in your everyday life, who probably ask, “So what do you do?”…

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Easy Marketing Opportunities With Email (But Not Email Marketing)

business | general | marketing | June 14, 2012 | 0 Comments

We’re not talking about email marketing today (although we do love email marketing!). We’re talking about ways to market your company with your email itself. Continually marketing your company is a challenge and a necessity for any business, and it’s a great idea to take advantage of those easy opportunities that are often free or cheap to use. Using your domain for your email address is one of those things, and is often…

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Go Green With Your Marketing Materials

business | design | marketing | April 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

Creating an eco-friendly work environment is getting easier these days with so many options and ideas out there to choose from. Creating a green office space can mean recycling more paper, printing less altogether, turning lights off in unused spaces, and being more conscientious of our energy use. You can also take it a step further by making sure your marketing materials are green too. Think of everything from your business cards…

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5 Marketing Items To Use To Impress Clients & Win Over Customers

business | design | marketing | February 22, 2012 | 1 Comment

Most people know the importance in having a great looking website and logo, but we’ve found quite a few businesses that let other marketing materials fall through the cracks on quality and design. Think of the last business card you received, did you look at the back, feel the thickness, and notice the quality of it all? You may not have thought through all of these specifically, but I guarantee you saw…

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MOO Cards – A Great Marketing Tool

business | design | marketing | resources | January 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

Most people know the value in having good business cards – it’s often the first impression people have of your business when you meet them in person. Picture this, you’ve met someone in person, and told them all about your great business and how you offer premium services and quality products. Then you hand them a less-than-amazing business card on thin paper. The picture you’ve painted doesn’t match the card you’re handing…

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